The Coats & Jackets You Need This Fall

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Fall is almost upon us and it's time to start getting your fall/winter wardrobe out.  I love this time of year and what it allows me to do with my wardrobe.  Between the layering options, different textures and fabrics available and the seemingly endless amount of accessories available to you, fall is the best time to make a statement about your own personal style.  Of course, with the cooler weather you're going to want to keep warm and a classic, stylish jacket is the perfect way to do that.  Today I'll show you 3 timeless jackets that are a perfect addition to any man's wardrobe.

The Peacoat

The peacoat has its roots with 19th century European sailors, originally cut from a fabric called p-cloth.  The fabric was coarse and was designed to repel water and keep the sailors dry and warm.  However the style took to land and has stuck ever since.  Peacoats are always double-breasted, have big collars and usually bold anchor buttons.  It's all part of what makes the peacoat so recognizable.  Keep in mind that this is not a jacket to wear with your suit, peacoats are cut short and your suit jacket will pop out of the bottom.  These days peacoats are available in a huge variety of styles, colors and fabrics but I like to stick to classics.  Now normally I'm not an Old Navy fan but I picked up this wool blend peacoat for only $50 last season and it is great.  The cut is surprisingly fitted and it is incredibly warm and comfortable.  It's available again this season so jump on this one when you can find a discount deal, Old Navy has them all the time.
Men's Wool-Blend Peacoat | Old Navy

The Trench Coat

Similar in style to the peacoat, the trench coat was originally designed by Burberry for officers of the British Royal Army.  The trench is recognizable by being cut longer (sometimes all the way to the knees), including a belt, epaulets, a button yoke on the back shoulders and a buttoned flap over the right shoulders.  Trench coats are also generally made of a lighter material than peacoats, with modern versions incorporating many synthetic fabrics into their construction.  Often the biggest question of style when wearing a trench coat will come down to your belt: do you tie it? buckle it? hang it in the back?  I see it as a matter of personal preference, experiment and see what you like most.  If you really hate the belt, take it out and cut off the loops.
Shades of Grey Tan Trench Coat | Piperlime

The Leather Jacket

I've already gone in depth into How to Buy a Leather Jacket, but it's worth another mention in this article because the leather jacket is an essential addition to any man's wardrobe.  If you're really too lazy to go read that article, I'll give the short version here: make sure it fits snug, keep it simple without a lot of embellishments and try out a brown jacket before settling on black.  That said, I think the most classic leather jacket look for fall is a bomber style, pictured below.  Just rebellious enough to get a second glance, but conservative enough to take to the office.
Burberry Leather Bomber Jacket | Nordstrom

Thanks for reading.  As always, be dapper.
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