A first glance to this sneaker is like a gold sneaker and without taking a look at the outsole. The Adidas Porsche Design S2 can be your own personal luxury vehicle that will fit your feet and your personality to .
On closer inspection, the Adidas Porsche Design S2 sneaker
The Adidas Porsche Design S2 comes in a white upper, white tongue, and white laces. It is accented by the black Adidas three-stripes, which is modestly displayed on the side panel as a proud reminder of the brand.
The midsole of this driving sneaker is a mix of black and white. The black sole has the metal Porsche Design emblem. Look under and you will see an ebony undersole with the unique white stripes design and the words Porsche design prominently displayed below that.
The only drawback was lack of arch support. But then again, I didn't go for the comfort, instead the unique design.
A small Adidas logo is displayed on the heel of the show. This sneaker is a great companion for all-day driving at less than $100
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