There is no doubt that Doc Martins are the world's number one casual boot. But they do have competition and Timberland is one of the biggest. Timberland provides boots that look smart and strong with any kind of clothes, while at the same time being affordable.
And it is not just boots they provide. Timberland has a line of quality outdoor clothing that is bought by people that want to look good and also people that need strong clothing for hiking. The range is impressive. They have coats, waterproofs and tents. Anything an outdoor person could want.
It is there boots though that first made the mark. Unlike Doc Martins they are famous for being made from a suede material. Though this has changed over the years and Timberland make boots from black leather as well, when we think of the classic Timberland boot a light brown suede material comes to mind. These boots are smart in appearance and also strong. But what makes Timberland so good?
Well first of all they have a fantastic durability. They are made from strong leather, hard and soft in all the right areas. When you next see a timberland boot press your hand into the material and you see just how sturdy it is. Secondly Timberland doesn't just stick to being a casual boot their influence is more far reaching than that. They try and cater for everyone. In fact there is a Timberland boot to suit most activities.
Do you want to go hiking? There is Timberland hiking boots such as Palomas, Whiteledge, Trail seek, Canard Mid Boots and Cannarf Low boots. Phew! What a range and they all come thoroughly recommended. Waterproof, strong and comfortable they can with stand most conditions whether it is ice, snow or rain.
Timberland also have shoes that can be worn on formal occasions. The different styles include Montgomery bay shoes, Madison Summit, Carsbad and Shavaro shoes. Great footwear to impress either your new boss or girlfriend. All of designed to be worn by men.
In recent years Timberland have started to make casual clothes. A timberland shirt is a sought after item, being expensive and of high quality. In recent years this quality has been noticed by the younger generation and more and more kids are wearing the shirts to go dancing. If you own a timberland you must have a good job and you deserve respect.
Tags: Man Fashion, Timberland Boots, Man Casual Boots, Casual Boots Review, Timberland
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