As a business or working class associates, you would want to make sure that every aspect of your look is carefully put together. Therefore, this quick primer on what your accessories should be to ensure you look totally coordinated when you present yourself in important office meeting, special client meeting, ballroom function, seminars and so on. 

- Make sure you keep everything in complementary colours. Therefore, if your suit is brown, donot wear a tie that clashes. Keeping shoes, ties and cravats in coordinated shades makes you look immediately put together with a great deal of thought.
- You can always add a dash of colour with your tie or a shawl (if you're wearing ethnic). Make sure these don't contrast too loudly with.
- Do invest few good pair of cufflinks.
- Your handkerchiefs should be monogrammed with your initials, it always adds a touch of class.
- Your belt should be a pure leather belt, and avoid the flashy buckle. Save it for your casual outing and hang around. you need to look suave and polished in these environment.
- Do get a dress watch. This may not be gold or diamond number, but a dress watch will automatically upgrade your look.